· A subject about how to manage your finances should be taught in school. Therefore, you need to write about why the Ministry of Education must introduce this subject in schools. You must not go out of topic by writing about the advantages and disadvantages of financial management · Education expands our vision and creates awareness. It helps us develop a disciplined life and provides us with better earning opportunities. It enables us to know the world beyond our own surroundings. Education is also a prerequisite of the prosperity and modernization of any country. Modern education is liberal, open, and exoteric · To indicate that your essay is coming to an end, use words like ‘in conclusion, in a nutshell, in short or to wrap up. Summarise your opinion based on all your previous paragraphs and emphasise your point through words like ‘I believe’. Check out other useful tips on how to pass the MUET using the interactive image below
Sample Essay on the importance of education in the person`s life
Malaysian University English Test MUET became a widely implemented tool for language proficiency estimation inand it was initially conducted by Malaysian Examinations Council. One is offered to accomplish a writing task that is based on a provided topic. The distinctive feature of MUET essays lies in the complex nature of arguments, which naturally involve reasoning, impact, and result.
MUET sample essay is created on the base of a debatable topic chosen randomly; and it represents a classical pattern of argumentative essay. The general subject of this paper is the benefits of vegetarianism for all people. It has been given that all population muet essay about education gradually change their diet to eating meat-free food. The purpose is to comment on both views and to provide short examples. The issue of total conversion to vegetarianism gets its unceasing share of attention from the environmentalists, doctors and other groups of scientists.
The supporters of the meat-free diet strongly believe that all humans are able to consume vegetarian products; and that is the only thing that can ultimately improve their lives and the environment globally.
An opposing point of view is supported by individuals with more conservative ideas. They suppose that vegetarianism may affect human health and can hardly resist the global environmental changes. The question is, whose position is more relevant: the one supported by meat lovers or the one assumed by vegetarians. On the one hand, the supporters of vegetarian diet state that reducing the consumption of meat makes people feel healthier, as they start eating more diversified and enriched diet.
Also, they are more likely to avoid numerous cardiovascular diseases related to excessive amounts of slags and fats in their organisms.
At the same time, total conversion muet essay about education vegetarianism may ensure better global environmental conditions, as the food processing industry releases lots of toxic chemicals into the world. Besides, refusal to eat meat will definitely save the lives of numerous domesticated animals that are currently living in harsh conditions only to be killed in the end.
Thus, the decision to convert to vegetarianism has many practical advantages and resolved the moral dilemma of muet essay about education live creatures for food, muet essay about education. On the other hand, some people argue that eating meat is an essential demand of any human muet essay about education that is deeply rooted in the early pre-human history and evolutionary process.
Besides, vegetarianism can hardly change the earthy life for better, as the humanity is currently facing more serious and dangerous problems caused by the global climate change. It is more about conversion to alternative fuels than refusing meat. Therefore, vegetarianism is important within the global community as it draws mass attention to health problems and environmental concerns. At the same time, its total implementation is not a panacea for all global issues of the humanity, muet essay about education.
The society ought to implement a complex set of actions in order to improve the living conditions on Earth. This essay has been written by WorldEssays. com writers. MUET Sample Essay. References Craig, W. Health muet essay about education of vegan diets.
American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition, 89 5SS. Health, ethics and environment: A qualitative study of vegetarian motivations. Appetite, 50muet essay about education, Vegetarianism and the Environment. Is vegetarianism bad for the environment?. Australian Zoologist, muet essay about education, aop et al.
Vegetarian Diets and Blood Pressure. JAMA Internal Medicine, 4 This entry was posted by Cristian Dorsey in Essay Samples and tagged. Find out the price. Type of paper Essay any type. Academic level Undergraduate years Deadline 5 days. Pages words.
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Write an essay on importance of education -- Essay writing on importance of education
, time: 7:48MUET Sample Essay
MUET/RSQ MALAYSIAN UNIVERSITY ENGLISH TEST (MUET) REGULATIONS, TEST SPECIFICATIONS, TEST FORMAT AND SAMPLE QUESTIONS The information in this booklet applies to the end MUET and thereafter until further notice. 1 MAJLIS PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA (MALAYSIAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL) · A subject about how to manage your finances should be taught in school. Therefore, you need to write about why the Ministry of Education must introduce this subject in schools. You must not go out of topic by writing about the advantages and disadvantages of financial management · To indicate that your essay is coming to an end, use words like ‘in conclusion, in a nutshell, in short or to wrap up. Summarise your opinion based on all your previous paragraphs and emphasise your point through words like ‘I believe’. Check out other useful tips on how to pass the MUET using the interactive image below
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