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Argumentative essay on stem cell research

Argumentative essay on stem cell research

argumentative essay on stem cell research

28/1/ · Pro: Barack Obama says of stem cell research that “ we have been given the capacity and will to pursue this research and the humanity and conscience to do so responsibly.” He’s not the only one who feels that stem cell research holds vital importance for curing diseases and ensuring that children are born into a safer, healthier world Stem cell research has provided hope and has brought optimism among the scientists and doctors in curing the patients who suffered or died due to the once called "untreatable" diseases decades ago. Stem cells are the ones which can develop into any type of a body cell including the cells of blood, liver, brain, muscles, and many more.5/5(2) Stem Cell Research Controversy: An Argumentative Essay. Introduction. Few topics in science and religion have been as hotly contested in recent years as stem cell research, largely because it involves the fate of, disposition of, and research on the human embryo. There are two basic types of stem cell research—that involving adult cells (AS cells)

Stem Cell Research Controversy: An Argumentative Essay | Researchomatic

Please join StudyMode to read the full document. Stem Cells : The Lethal Lifesaver Stem Cells are the first cells that begin a human life, but some people have a problem with using them because of where they come from. So, the question is which is more important, the death of embryos or the saving of lives? Stem cells are the cells that can be whatever they need to, depending on what is needed.

These cells have the potential to save thousands of lives and ease suffering but they are vexed because of how they are gained. To understand why there is such a controversy surrounding stem cellswe must first understand what a stem cell is and how they are obtained. Stem cells are undifferentiated cells in the human body, this means that they lack a particular job, so they are pluripotent which means they can turn into any needed cell.

This is an amazing thing because this means we can literally grow organs and cure certain diseases with stem cells.

Scientists recently have done some research in injecting stem cells into a sick or diseased organ to see argumentative essay on stem cell research it Argumentative Essay : Stem Cells Research The modern science has achieved tremendous successes in different fields.

In this respect, argumentative essay on stem cell research, researches in the field of genetics are particularly noteworthy because they can start a new era in the medicine and science at large. However, today, the research of stem cells and their use in the modern medicine often confronts the opposition from the part of the public as well as specialists.

In spite of a considerable progress in the stem cells researchit still remains a kind of battlefield between opponents and proponents of the stem cells research. In actuality, there are no alternatives to the further research in the field of genetic, including stem cells researches because the potential of these researches outweigh arguments of their opponents.

On analyzing the problem of the stem cells research and related issues, it is important to lay emphasis on the fact that opponents of such researches basically stand on the religious ground. At any rate, they view the stem cells research as an attempt of scientists to play God. Obviously, this attempt is offensive for representatives of different religions. Therefore, they The advancement in technology has lead to the treatment of many diseases.

Stem cell research has provided hope and has brought optimism among the scientists and doctors in curing the patients who suffered or died due to the once called "untreatable" diseases decades ago. Stem cells are the ones which can develop into any type of a body cell including argumentative essay on stem cell research cells of blood, liver, brain, muscles, and many more.

They are found in adult bone marrow, embryos, fetuses, and blood from the umbilical cord Bailey Stem cell research is the latest advancement in biotechnology which shows how an organism develops from a single cell and how healthy cells replace damaged cells in adult organisms. This technique has lead scientists to research about the possibility of cell -based therapies to treat disease, which is often referred to as regenerative or reparative medicine.

The stem cell formation involves several steps. Early in development, a human embryo is made up of a hollow ball of cells called a "blastocyst". Blastocyst cells divide and form into the tissues and organs of a human body. This argumentative essay on stem cell research is called as "differentiation". Embryonic stem cells can be grown in the laboratory from where the people that were once paralyzed can now walk, yes!

They can know because of the embryonic stem cell research. Embryonic stem cell research came from identical inner mass cells of a human embryo.

Embryonic cells are able to grow into all derivatives of these primary germ layers ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm. Embryonic stem cell research would be a good thing for humans because human embryos for stem cell research can help a number of patients, they can be used by scientists to find cure for several medical conditions, argumentative essay on stem cell research, and the stem cell research may be a treatment for many cancers.

Embryonic stem cells can help a number of people. With the potential of embryonic stem cells to be used as a treatment to several medical disorders such as heart disease and parkinson's diseases as well as vision impairment and diabetes. Stem cells can be used to be helped with heart disease.

A new treatment using stem cells which have the potential to grow into variety of heart cell types could potentially repair and regenerate damaged heart tissue. Stem cells can also be used to treat diabetes Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent able to grow stem cells derived from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst, an early-stage preimplantation embryo. Embryonic stem cells can form any possible cells in the body. These stem cells are used to better understand and treat diseases.

Rapid advantages in research on the embryonic stem cells derived from human embryos have argumentative essay on stem cell research with opposing views regarding the morality of using human embryos for these purposes. Seeing argumentative essay on stem cell research there are laws on almost everything, there are laws on stem cells as well.

These laws have been a big source of controversy and they argumentative essay on stem cell research by country. In Sweden, Finland, Belgium, Greece, argumentative essay on stem cell research, Britain, Denmark and the Netherlands, stem cell research using the human embryo is permitted in these countries. While in Germany, Austria, Ireland, Italy and Portugal, it is illegal. Embryonic and adult stem cells are very different.

While adult stem These cells can "divide multiple times forming argumentative essay on stem cell research of clones" of themselves Daley 1. The cells are categorized as pluripotent, which means that they are able to develop into any cell of the human body thus, they can be used to create healthy tissues or organs that have the ability to replace any damaged tissues along with advancing our medical technology.

Stem cell research has the potential to save many lives if we take steps forward and not backwards. Just like many other advances in technology, stem cell research is no exception to the controversy brought on by the media. The debate concerns a specialized branch of stem cell research known as embryonic cells. These cells are attractive to science, argumentative essay on stem cell research, as they are more flexible than adult stems.

Thus, a conflict arises between two morals, striving to cure a disease, and respecting human life. Stem cell research may lead to a deliverance of treatments, hence appealing to one of the morals, argumentative essay on stem cell research. People in the "pro-life movement" will argue that such a practice demoralizes the human being however, scientist do not need to be portrayed as merciless killers, seeking out prey but, as Stem Cell Research A twenty-two year old women just found out she had Stage IV Melanoma cancer.

The doctors said there was little to no chances of her surviving, and there was nothing more they could do- unless an embryonic stem cell transplant was possible. Currently, there are many incurable diseases affecting innocent people, argumentative essay on stem cell research.

If stem cell research was allowed, scientists could find a safe solution to curing these dangerous diseases and conditions. Currently many of these diseases are what cause the most deaths, and have no definite cure, argumentative essay on stem cell research. Some people may disagree, saying that there was no way that using embryonic stem cells would cure these life threatening diseases. Stem cells are undifferentiated Stem Cell Research : The Opportunity to Change Your Life Back to Normal Why is it that we don't appreciate what we have until we don't have it anymore?

You don't think much of your legs, your arms, or your eye. But it is only when you are unable to use one of these parts, or know that you will never be able to use it again, when you realize the grave importance of it. But what if I could tell you there is a way to repair the loss of that once unappreciated part of your body?

With Stem Cell research there is that possibility. It could give us the ability to grow our very own organs, or limbs, or restore your sight even. Inthen-President George W. Bush announced federal funding for stem cell research using existing stem cell lines. The announcement was seen as a compromise that allowed future research while preventing the destruction of future human embryos. InPresident Barack Obama issued an Executive Order lifting many of the restrictions on stem cell research and approving new lines for research.

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Stem Cell Research Persuasive Essay - Pros & Cons Examples

argumentative essay on stem cell research

28/1/ · Pro: Barack Obama says of stem cell research that “ we have been given the capacity and will to pursue this research and the humanity and conscience to do so responsibly.” He’s not the only one who feels that stem cell research holds vital importance for curing diseases and ensuring that children are born into a safer, healthier world 17/12/ · Argumentative Essay: Stem Cells Research The modern science has achieved tremendous successes in different fields. In this respect, researches in the field of genetics are particularly noteworthy because they can start a new era in the medicine and science at large Stem cell research has provided hope and has brought optimism among the scientists and doctors in curing the patients who suffered or died due to the once called "untreatable" diseases decades ago. Stem cells are the ones which can develop into any type of a body cell including the cells of blood, liver, brain, muscles, and many more.5/5(2)

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