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Computer revolution essay

Computer revolution essay

computer revolution essay

Jun 30,  · Essay on Computer Revolution: Advantages and Disadvantages The use of computers first started in our country in but during Rajiv Gandhi’s prime ministership period (), keeping in view the large scale usage of computers in various fields, observers termed his term as computer revolution THE DEHUMANISING EFFECTS OF THE COMPUTER REVOLUTION The computer revolution Computer evolution had already passed its infancy from its introduction to the wide-reaching utilisation of the society today as the much-heralded ‘personal computer’ or simply PC led the revolutionary process by virtue of its prominence and visibility in the daily existence of humankind,the application of computer goes above and beyond the convenience of storing and displaying data for practical use Nov 13,  · Essay,Pages 6 ( words) Views. Personal Computers. The personal computer revolution was a phenomenon of immense importance in the s. What the average American commonly refers to as a PC, or personal computer, did not even exist before the s

Computer Revolution Free Essay Example

The personal computer revolution was a phenomenon of immense importance in the s. What the average American commonly refers to as a PC, or personal computer, did not even exist before the s.

Mainframe computers had been the norm, and they were primarily relegated to business and scientific use.

With the dawn of the personal computer all Americans were allowed potential access to computers. Companies such as Apple Computer became household names, and words such as software and downloading became commonplace. It was predicted that by60 percent of all the jobs in the United States would require familiarity with computers. Already bysome 2 million Americans were using personal computers to perform various tasks in the office.

The impact of the personal computer to the average American has been enormous—in addition to its usefulness at the office, it has become a source of entertainment, computer revolution essay, culture, and education, computer revolution essay.

Founded in by Steven Jobs and Stephen Wozniak, Apple Computer computer revolution essay to be the spearhead of the personal computer revolution. Apple had achieved moderate success in the late s, but in the s the company developed its innovative vision of how computers could relate to the average person. In Apple introduced the Lisa. Lisa was to be the successor of the Apple II and was the first computer to widely introduce the concept of windows, menus, icons, and a mouse to the mainstream.

The Lisa computer was phased out by and sur-passed by the Macintosh in Although the machine possessed less processing capability than IBM PCs, one did not need any programming capability to run the machine effectively, computer revolution essay, and it became popular. The infusion of these three, particularly PageMaker, computer revolution essay, an easy-to-use graphics page-layout program, helped give rise to a new medium known as desktop publishing.

Creating this new niche made Macintosh the premier, efficient publishing computer. Apple expanded its hold on the graphics market in with the introduction of the Mac II computer.

Its color graphic capability fostered the introduction of color printers capable of reproducing the color images on the computer screen, computer revolution essay.

On 12 August International Business Machines IBM created its first personal computer. Simply called the IBM PC, it became the definition for the personal computer. IBM was the largest of the three giant computer firms in the world, and the other two, Hewlett-Packard HP and Xerox, had previously attempted to make efforts into the new PC market but failed.

IBM initially was not convinced that the American public was interested in computers, particularly for their own home usage, but after viewing the early successes of Apple they were determined to enter the race, computer revolution essay. In creating the software for the PC, IBM turned to a young company called Microsoft to formulate MS-DOS. IBM PCs were immensely powerful, fast machines, and their entrance into the market legitimized the personal computer and created a new cottage industry.

In IBM introduced the PCjr, a less expensive computer revolution essay of the PC. Despite strong advertisement PCjr was not a success and cost IBM quite a bit in reputation and money. Undiscouraged by these results, IBM pressed onward. IBM also established agreements with software companies such as Lotus to develop sophisticated programming for their company. Attempts were also made computer revolution essay the company to launch a line of portable computers over the decade.

The success of these various portable models was somewhat limited, due to size and cost, as well as improper promotion. Even with several marketing setbacks throughout the decade, however, IBM remained the largest computer firm in the world. By IBM was producing personal computers that dwarfed earlier models in speed, capability, and technology, computer revolution essay. As the personal computer explosion continued to grow, computer revolution essay, it spawned more and more cottage industries.

One of the largest new markets to develop was that of the software industry, and one of the largest companies in that industry was Microsoft, founded in by William Computer revolution essay and Paul Allen in Redmond, Washington.

In Microsoft created MS-DOS, short for Microsoft Disk Operating System. Although it was initially licensed only to the IBM Corporation, by the end of the decade it became the industry-standard operating software for all PCs. Another growing software company was Lotus Development Corporation, who created its innovative 1— spreadsheet programs.

Countless other software programs, from playful video games to statistical accounting programsbegan to saturate the market, attempting to feed the growing desires of the American public.

Computers have touched most aspects of how Americans function. Through their ability to link groups across great distances, they have made the world, at least theoretically, computer revolution essay, a smaller place. The computer was not the first technological advancement to impact the nation so greatly, but the computer revolution essay in which it swept across the country and the pace in which change within the field continues to occur have been remarkable.

As technology advanced, the cost of computers also significantly declined. Schools on all levels began to integrate computer literacy into their academic programs as it was seen that this knowledge would be as essential as reading in the next century. Sales for computer companies sky-rocketed as they rushed to meet demand. Computer magazines, computer revolution essay, such as Byte, PC World, and PC Magazine were either born in the s or grew substantially as interest around the issue grew, computer revolution essay.

Backlash regarding the growth of computers and their infiltration into society also occurred. Fear of an unfeeling technical society where human contact has been replaced by machines has been voiced by some extreme critics.

On the more moderate side are criticisms that computer technology will only improve the lives of those who could afford the high computer revolution essay of a PC. Thus, the computer, instead of unifying, could potentially increase the gap between the rich and the poor.

Computers, once available only to trained programmers, now became increasingly commonplace in homes computer revolution essay the country. They changed the way the average American received and processed information at work and at home. That is why, after weighting the ebb and flow of events around the world, Time has decided that is the year of the computer, computer revolution essay.

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Essay on Computer Revolution - The College Study

computer revolution essay

THE DEHUMANISING EFFECTS OF THE COMPUTER REVOLUTION The computer revolution Computer evolution had already passed its infancy from its introduction to the wide-reaching utilisation of the society today as the much-heralded ‘personal computer’ or simply PC led the revolutionary process by virtue of its prominence and visibility in the daily existence of humankind,the application of computer goes above and beyond the convenience of storing and displaying data for practical use Nov 13,  · Essay,Pages 6 ( words) Views. Personal Computers. The personal computer revolution was a phenomenon of immense importance in the s. What the average American commonly refers to as a PC, or personal computer, did not even exist before the s Jun 30,  · Essay on Computer Revolution: Advantages and Disadvantages The use of computers first started in our country in but during Rajiv Gandhi’s prime ministership period (), keeping in view the large scale usage of computers in various fields, observers termed his term as computer revolution

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