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Dowry system in india essay

Dowry system in india essay

dowry system in india essay

Dec 06,  · Society Structure – the dowry system is largely the manifestation of the patriarchal nature of the Indian society where men are considered superior to women in aspects of physical and mental capabilities. With the backdrop of such societal structure, women are often considered second-tier citizens, fit to assume only domesticated blogger.comted Reading Time: 11 mins Jul 24,  · Dowry is not voluntary which is made by the bride or groom, it is demanded from the groom's parents. Dowry is growing like crime nowadays in India, in some family dowry is used as a threat, or in order to extract more money from brides family after knowing their financial condition. In north and east part of India show a high rate of dowry-related cases, even family do more domestic violence to the groom Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins + Words Essay on Dowry System. Dowry system is followed in India since a very long time. Our ancestors started this system for valid reasons but now it is leading to issues and problems in society. In this essay on dowry, we will see what dowry exactly is, how it started, and why it should be stopped now. History Of Dowry. Dowry system started even before the British blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins

Essay on Dowry System for Children and Students

It dowry system in india essay been prevalent in India dowry system in india essay centuries. Dowry system is one of the evil systems prevalent in the society. It is said to be as old as the human civilization and is rampant in many societies across the globe. We have provided below essay on dowry System in English for your information and knowledge.

The essays have been written in simple yet effective English language for you so that they can be easily remembered and presented when needed. After going through these dowry System essay you will know what is dowry system; what are its impact on the society and the victims; why dowry system is a crime and should be banned; what laws are implemented by the government to eliminate dowry system etc.

These Dowry dowry system in india essay essays can be helpful in school or college essay writing, dowry system in india essay, speech giving or debate competitions.

The system was put in place due to a reason in India and that was that until a few decades back the girl child did not have any right over the parental property and other fixed assets and was given liquid assets such as cash, jewellery and other goods to give her a fair share.

However, it has turned into an evil social system over the years. Many cases of brides being tortured physically and emotionally for not bringing enough dowry have come up.

In many cases, the bride turns to her family to meet the demands of her in-laws while others end up giving their lives to end the torture. It is time the government of India should take strict action to stop this evil practice. Many couples these days choose to live independently and it is said that dowry that mostly includes gifting cash, furniture, car and other such assets acts as a financial support for them and helps them to begin their new life on a good note.

As both the bride and groom have just begun their career and are not that sound financially they cannot afford such huge expenses all at once. But is it a valid reason? Moreover, dowry system in india essay, this should hold good if the families can afford to offer financial help to the newly wed without coming under debt or lowering their own standard of living, dowry system in india essay.

It is unfortunate that girls are seen as a burden and marrying them off as they enter their twenties is the priority of their parents who are willing to do anything for the same. Providing huge dowry in such cases works and this evil practice seems as a boon for those who are able to find buy groom for their daughters.

However, it is time such mind set should be changed. The supporters of dowry system also state that providing huge amount of gifts to the groom and his family raises the status of the bride in the family. However, statistics reveal that in most cases it has worked against the girls, dowry system in india essay. The advocators of dowry system may come up with various unreasonable reasons to support the system but the fact remains that it does more harm than good to the society as a whole.

Dowry System that initiated as a decent practice to help the girls financially as they took on the new phase of their life has gradually turned evil. Just as child marriage, child labour, caste system and gender inequality, dowry system is also one of the evil social systems that needs to be eradicated for the society to prosper. However, unfortunately despite the efforts made by the government as well as various social groups, this heinous system is still very much a part of the society.

The question remains that even after making dowry a punishable offense and spreading awareness about the ill-effects of this system through several campaigns why do people still practice it? Here are some of the main reasons why the dowry system remains intact despite being condemned by the masses:. It has been given the name of tradition in various parts of the country and when the occasion is as pious as wedding, people cannot dare to neglect any tradition.

For some, the dowry system is more of a status symbol, dowry system in india essay. Hence, even though they cannot afford many families end up throwing lavish wedding functions and giving numerous gifts to the groom and his relatives. It has become more of a competition these days. Everyone wants to beat the other. While the government has made dowry a punishable offence, the law has not been implemented strictly.

There is no check on the exchange of gifts and dowry given during marriages. These loopholes are one of the main reasons why this evil practice still exists. Apart from these, gender inequality and illiteracy are also major contributors to this heinous social system.

It is sad how even after completely understanding the ill effects of the dowry system people in India still continue to practice it. It is time people in the country should join hands to eradicate this problem.

Dowry system has been prevalent in our society dowry system in india essay well as many other societies across the globe since times immemorial. While it started as helping the daughters to be self sufficient and financially independent as they moved to the new place over the period of time it has turned into a heinous practice that rather than empowering the women has turned against them.

It has given rise to several crimes against women. Here is a look at the various troubles this system creates for the brides and their family members:. The parents of a girl child begin saving for her ever since she is born. They keep saving for the wedding for years as they are responsible for conducting the entire affair right from decoration to catering to renting the banquet, dowry system in india essay.

Some people end up borrowing money from their relatives and friends while others take loans from bank to meet the demands. Many end up in debt and spend the rest of their lives repaying it. Giving dowry and organizing a decent enough wedding function is something that cannot be escaped for those who have a girl child. They need to accumulate money for the same no matter what and in the event many give in to corrupt means such as taking bribes, forging tax or conducting certain business activities using unfair means.

The in-laws often compare the gifts brought by their daughter-in-law by those brought by other girls in their vicinity and pass sarcastic remarks making her feel tormented. Girls often feel emotionally stress due to this and some even undergo depression. While some in-laws make it a habit to be sarcastic with their daughter-in law and leave no occasion to humiliate and bad mouth her others take to physical abuse.

Several cases of women being hit and burned because of their inability of fulfilling the huge dowry demands keep surfacing every now and then. A girl child is seen as a burden for the family. It is the dowry system that has given rise to female foeticides. Female foetus is aborted by several couples. The cases of girl child being abandoned are also common in India. The practice of dowry is strongly condemned.

The government has also passed law making dowry a punishable offence however it is still being practiced in most parts of the country causing agony for the girls and their families. Dowry System has been a dominant part of the Indian society. In many parts it is known to be embedded in the culture and has become more of a ritual.

Initially, cash, jewellery and other such gifts were given to the bride however the sole purpose of the system has deviated over the period of time and the gifts dowry system in india essay now given to groom, his parents and relatives. The jewellery, cash and other stuff given to the bride are also kept in safe by her in-laws. A number of factors such as illiteracy, gender inequality and lack of strict laws against this system have given rise to this evil practice, dowry system in india essay.

Dowry system is one of the most heinous social systems in the Indian society. In order to curb this problem, the government has come up with laws making dowry a punishable act.

Here is a detailed look at these laws:. By way of this act a legal system to monitor the give and take of dowry was put in place. As per this act, a penalty is imposed in the event of dowry exchange. The punishment involves a minimum of 5 years of imprisonment and a minimum fine of INR 15, or the dowry amount based on whichever is greater. A demand for dowry is equally punishable, dowry system in india essay.

Any direct or indirect demand for dowry could lead to 6 months of imprisonment and a fine of INR 10, Many women are abused emotionally and physically for not meeting the dowry demands of their in laws.

This law has been put in place in order to empower women against such abuse. It protects women from domestic violence. All forms of dowry system in india essay including physical, emotional, verbal, economic and sexual are punishable under this law. The punishment for different types and severity of abuse vary, dowry system in india essay. Despite the laws inflicted by the government, the dowry system still has a strong hold in the society. Here are a few solutions for eradicating this problem:.

Lack of education is one of the main contributors to social practices such as dowry system, caste system and child labour. People must be educated to promote logical and reasonable thinking to get rid of belief systems that give rise to such evil practices. Women must continue to work even after their marriage and focus their energy on productive things rather than succumbing to the sarcastic remarks of in-laws. Women must also be made aware of their dowry system in india essay and how they can use them to guard themselves from any kind of abuse.

Gender inequality that exists at the core of our society is one of the main reasons for dowry system. Apart from this campaigns should be held to sensitize the issue and the laws set by the government must be made more stringent.

Dowry system is the cause of agony for the girl and her family. The solutions mentioned here must be taken seriously and incorporated in the system to get rid of this problem. The government and general public must join hands to eradicate this system. An Entrepreneur Director, White Planet Technologies Pvt. Masters in Computer Application and Business Administration, dowry system in india essay. A passionate writer, writing content for many years and regularly writing for Indiacelebrating.

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Essay on Dowry System In India, Causes, Effects Article

dowry system in india essay

Sep 15,  · Essay on Dowry System In India, Causes, Effects Article. India is known and loved across the world for it’s the rich and diverse culture which unites people from various religions, castes, creeds, and colours. These traditions remind us of our rich and great history. But unfortunately, there are some traditions in Indian culture are very bad and calling Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins + Words Essay on Dowry System. Dowry system is followed in India since a very long time. Our ancestors started this system for valid reasons but now it is leading to issues and problems in society. In this essay on dowry, we will see what dowry exactly is, how it started, and why it should be stopped now. History Of Dowry. Dowry system started even before the British blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins Jul 24,  · Dowry is not voluntary which is made by the bride or groom, it is demanded from the groom's parents. Dowry is growing like crime nowadays in India, in some family dowry is used as a threat, or in order to extract more money from brides family after knowing their financial condition. In north and east part of India show a high rate of dowry-related cases, even family do more domestic violence to the groom Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins

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