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Essays on emotions

Essays on emotions

essays on emotions

1. Charles G Morris. 2. Crow and Crow. 3. Woodworth. It is a stirred up feeling, that is the way it appears to the individual himself. It is a disturbed 4. McDougall. Emotion is an affective experience that one undergoes during an instinctive excitement. For example, when Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins Mar 02,  · As you can see, the difference between the two concepts is vague and may make the process of composing an academic work on them quite confusing (even if it's a plain descriptive essay about emotions). When tasked with such an essay, you might be expected to describe the difference between learned and innate emotions, research on negative and Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins According to many researches in this field, emotions have components of two types: physical and mental and consist of body responses, expressive behavior and subjective feelings. The first component is the easiest for measuring because many special tools have been developed by experts to measure our body responses: blood rushing to the face, sweating, pounding heart,

Emotions Function and Its Role in a Motivation - Words | Essay Example

The actions and performance of individuals highly depend on their level of motivation. Therefore, motivation plays a significant role in determining the actions of people, their thoughts, and most importantly, the attitude and feelings that they develop towards an essays on emotions or an event Deckers, From the studies that have been conducted, it has been identified that several factors determine the level of motivation in an individual.

These factors include:. Therefore, it is evident that the factors that originate within an individual as well as the factors that surround an individual determine the level of motivation in people hence affecting their behavior and emotions.

Therefore, essays on emotions, this paper will focus on the historical theories of emotion, the methods that are used to uncover basic emotions, and the feedback hypothesis paying particular interest to the event appraisal emotion sequence. Solomon defined emotions as the resultant outcome of changes in the physiological and psychological state of the body that have a direct effect on the thinking process and the behavior of an individual. Over time, essays on emotions, psychologists have developed various theories of emotions.

Despite the differences that exist, all these theories have concluded that biological factors play a significant role in initiating, interpreting, and controlling the emotions of an individual. The James-Lange theory of emotion essays on emotions that emotions develop from the physiological changes in the body Solomon, Thus, the effect of an external stimulus plays a significant role in triggering a physiological reaction essays on emotions the body of an individual.

However, this process usually takes place unconsciously. For instance, after coming out of a swimming pool on a cold day, your body will start to shiver. From this reaction, you will conclude that you are feeling cold. The Cannon-Bard theory emotion states that the body of an individual responds to an external stimulus by simultaneously triggering physiological and emotional responses Beck, However, these responses are independent of one another. The physiological response originates from a signal that has been sent to the brain in reaction to the external stimulus.

As a result, the subject will become scared. The Schachter-Singer theory on the other hand takes a cognitive approach. Relating this external stimulus to the existing essays on emotions, such an individual will ultimately become scared. Several methods are used to determine the emotions of an individual, essays on emotions. However, the immediate stimulus plays a critical role in determining the emotion of essays on emotions individual. Examples of immediate stimulus include an event that an individual might be involved in, an object, a person who is connected directly or indirectly to the subject, or the behavior of the subject Solomon, Therefore, an emotion manifests itself from the values of an individual and the social impact that the resultant behavior might have on an individual Deckers, Thus, the resultant essays on emotions that might arise from a social context include:.

Essays on emotions methods have been advanced to determine these basic emotions. Facial expressions have been used effectively to determine the basic emotions of an individual. For instance, happiness in an individual can be determined by the expression of his mouth and eyes. When people are happy, essays on emotions, they tend to smile.

Consequently, there are changes in their eyes that are used to express happiness. However, while the muscle changes that produce a smile are voluntary, the muscle changes in the eyes are not Beck, Given this fact, it is easy to determine whether a person is genuinely happy or not.

Another method that can be used to determine essays on emotions basic emotions of an individual is reading the body language. From the studies that have been conducted, it has emerged that a higher proportion of communication in humans is non-verbal Beck, For instance, when people are ashamed about their behavior, they tend to lower their heads and try to hide it in between their shoulders. In reaction, the other party will go easy on the ashamed individual.

Surprisingly, these actions are involuntary and might take place unconsciously. Thus, understanding the body language and being able to interpret the signals that are sent is an effective skill that can be used to uncover basic emotions in individuals. From the discussions that have been presented in this paper, facial expressions have been considered as one of the most effective methods that can be used to determine the basic emotions of essays on emotions individual.

However, there are instances where facial expressions can be used to trigger the emotions of an individual Solomon, For instance, an individual who is pretending to smile will stand a higher chance of enjoying a given event despite the fact that his physiological response is not guided by the external stimulus. Thus, the facial feedback hypothesis states that the external facial expressions tend to intensify an emotion while its repression will suppress the resultant emotion Scherer, essays on emotions, The event appraisal emotion sequence further enhances the facial feedback hypothesis.

The previous theories that have been discussed in this paper have linked emotions with physiological responses. However, in the appraisal theory, essays on emotions, physiological arousal is absent Roseman, essays on emotions In this case, people will decide what they feel after they comprehend and interpret the situation at hand.

This brings about a sequence of activities and responses starting from the even in place, the thought process, arousal, and the resultant emotion. This sequence of events is essential especially in determining the coping mechanisms of an individual. This paper has been able to critically analyze various factors that determine motivation and arousal in individuals. The paper has focused on the theories of emotion that have been used to explain the relationship between and external stimulus, physiological responses, and the resultant emotion.

Finally, it has emerged that facial expressions and body language can be used to determine the basic emotions of individuals and the sequences of activities and responses that are put in place to balance between emotions and responses. Deckers, L. Motivation: Biological, Psychological, and Environmental, 3rd ed.

Roseman, J. Appraisal Theory: Overview, Assumptions, Varieties, Controversies. New York: Oxford University Press. Scherer, K. Appraisal Processes in Emotion: Theory, Methods, Research. Canary, NC: Oxford University Press. Solomon, R. Emotions and Anthropology: The Logic of Emotional World Views. The Inquiry21 2 Essays on emotions a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online.

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essays on emotions

According to many researches in this field, emotions have components of two types: physical and mental and consist of body responses, expressive behavior and subjective feelings. The first component is the easiest for measuring because many special tools have been developed by experts to measure our body responses: blood rushing to the face, sweating, pounding heart, Emotions are a grand part of life when they include feelings of euphoria, happiness, content and satisfaction, but emotions such as loneliness, sadness, grief, bereavement, are not so welcome at the emotional door. Emotions seem to be a natural born part of life, adapted to what one has been taught throughout their life, while other emotions Essays on Emotion. Hope: The Essence of Life. Words • Pages • 4. Hope is a universal thing. Spanning across every country to every continent. Infused in every culture, language, and belief system. Hope is why people wake up every morning. It is the essence of life that gives the positive mind power

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