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Hundred years war essay

Hundred years war essay

hundred years war essay

29/3/ · Essay about The Hundred Years' War The Hundred Years ' War began in May, It was a series of wars in Europe. France and England had been old enemies 23/3/ · The Hundred Years War was the last great medieval war. The Hundred Years War was very important because it was little wars, hundreds of battles, and sieges that went on for over a century during the The Hundred years war Essay Words4 Pages THE HUNDRED YEARS’ WAR                           The Hundred Years War was the last great medieval war. It was a war not just between Kings, but lesser nobles were also able to pursue their own personal

Hundred Years War Essay | Bartleby

Published Date: 23 Mar Last Modified: 20 Apr Disclaimer: This essay has been written and submitted by students and is not an example of our work. Please click this link to view samples of our professional work witten by our professional essay writers. Any opinions, hundred years war essay, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of EssayCompany.

The Hundred Years War was the last great medieval war. The Hundred Years War was very important because it was little wars, hundred years war essay, hundreds of battles, and sieges that went on for over a century during the This hundred years war essay is important to history because while neither side won in any real sense, the end result was that while there were two kingdoms at the beginning of the war, there were two nations at the end of it.

The actual cause that precipitated the outbreak of the Hundred Years War was a dispute between France and England over the heir of the French kingdom. After the death of France's Charles IV, both France and England claimed the crown because Charles had left no direct successor. England's Edward III declared himself the rightful ruler because he was Charles IV mother's son.

But the French refused to accept an English King and in they placed Philip VI, a cousin of Charles IV, on the throne. Relations between the two countries eventually degenerated into war. The naval battle of Sluys in for control of the English Channel proved the first of many battles that would ensue in the long war.

England emerged victorious in this instance and succeeded in establishing a sea-dominance that lasted throughout the following years.

The next major battle occurred in at Crecy. In this battle, the differences between the English army and French army became clearly visible. InEngland won the city of Calais, "the door into France," after a year-long siege. From to the outbreak of the Black Plague in England, a disease which decimated a huge portion of the population. Inthe French incurred yet another terrible defeat, the loss of the city of Poitiers.

And this was worsened by the capture of their king, King John II. The difference between the countries' armies were one of the greatest contrasts between France and England and also proved a forceful contributing factor in France's drive away from feudalism. It was at this point that John II son, Charles, took over the French throne. Estates General met and created several new laws, entitled the Great Ordinance, without hundred years war essay permission or approval of the king.

This incident proved key in the establishment of a strong monarchy in France and also a key turning point in the Hundred Year War because the violence and confusion caused the commoners to abandon the idea of hundred years war essay government.

When Charles' death inonly the cities of Calais and Bordeaux were still in English hands. Inhundred years war essay, England experienced a very similar situation within their country. Like the French, the English peasants were tired of the taxes imposed on them because of the war and were frustrated by the aristocracy restricting their opportunities. The peasants began a revolt led by Wat Tyler, but when Wat Tyler, the leader, was killed, the revolt was disbanded and the people's demands ignored.

One advantage for the French was the death of England's king Edward III in His successor, Richard III focused little attention on the affairs in France during his reign, but instead attempted to weaken the authority of the English aristocracy. In response to this, in Parliament dethroned Richard and appointed Henry IV in his place. Henry the IV was preoccupied with certain situations in England, France was able to regain more territory in their own hundred years war essay. It was also near this time, bythat Wycliffe completed his translation of the Latin Vulgate scriptures into English.

This helped prepare the way for the reformation and also allowed for the printing of the Bible in English when the press was invented by Gutenberg just two years after the end of the Hundred Year War. France experienced trouble once again upon the death of their king, Charles V.

The tensions within the country between different houses allowed England's King Henry V to begin regaining lost ground. The French loss at Agincourt was due to similar tactics that brought about hundred years war essay destruction by the English in the battles of Crecy and Poitiers.

The English were far outnumbered, they wrought a startling defeat over the French. Their defeat caused Charles VI hundred years war essay sign the Treaty of Troyes with the English in It ensured that upon his death, hundred years war essay, the rule of France would be handed over to Henry V. Joan of Arc was also important person he inspired the French and stirred in them a feeling of nationalism, hundred years war essay.

This rise in nationalism also contributed to the strengthening of the central monarchy in France. In July of the last battle of the Hundred Years War took place at Castillon, the same year that Constantinople finally fell to the Ottomans and the Byzantine Empire ended.

England no longer held sway of any French territory except in the port town of Calais. The war brought about dissimilar results for the French and the English. While both countries saw an increased effectiveness in their monarchial rule, it was due to different reasons.

England's holdings in France were too great of a burden to carry and still effectively rule. With its lands in France taken, the kingdom was much more manageable. Unlike France, hundred years war essay, over the course of the hundred years war essay England also experienced a strengthening of the parliament.

France, on the other hand, witnessed an increase in monarchial authority due to the people's recognition and complaint of the feudal system's shortcomings, including its limitations in fighting and in protection of the serfs.

The eventual expulsion of the English and the consolidation of the kingdom made France one of the greatest countries during this time period.

But the Hundred Years War was at least partially responsible for more than just the decrease of feudalism and increase of centralized monarchy. The fourteenth and fifteenth centuries proved extremely difficult for the peoples of France and England. The Black Plague, war, famine, and death had ravaged the countries, hundred years war essay. People began searching for an explanation, and the current church could offer none.

The Hundred Years War was a part of a series of events that shifted people's thinking and paved the way for the period of Reformation that would follow. If you are the real writer of this essay and no longer want to have the essay published on the our website then please click on the link below to send us request removal:. Please provide details of your work and your ownership of it, if you don't provide any proof, your request will not hundred years war essay entertained.

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The Hundred Years' War? Essay - Words | Bartleby

hundred years war essay

26/5/ · Hundred Years’ War Essay In battles fought from to primarily by England and France for control of France and the French Crown, England initially had the upper hand, but in the French, inspired by Joan of Arc, regained all Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins Essay on The Hundred Years' War Hundreds Years War Essay. Hundred Years War The definition of the Golden Rule is that those with the gold make the rules. The Hundred Years War: The Years Of War. The Hundred Years War During the beginning of the fourteenth century, there The Hundred Years' War? 23/3/ · The Hundred Years War was the last great medieval war. The Hundred Years War was very important because it was little wars, hundreds of battles, and sieges that went on for over a century during the

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